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Saturday, December 7, 2019

Google Free Services - خدمات جوجل المجانية

Google Free Services -  خدمات جوجل المجانية

خلينا متفقين أن جوجل الوحيد اللي قدر يساعدك بدون مقابل 

مفيش مره قالك انا خارج مش فاضي عمل اللي صاحبك مش بيعمله معاك😂

تاسكاتك وابحاثك واي ريفرنس ممكن تحتاجه مش بتلجأ غير لجوجل فيه 🤷🏻‍♀
البوست ده بقى ممكن يغير نظرتك لـ جوجل 180 درجة
خود عندك دول ..
1) جوجل لبرمجة المواعيد والوقت ) … لتنظيم وقتك ومواعيدك
2) للبحث عن الكتب والبحوث الجامعية
3) الأدلة التجارية .. ابحث عن أي منتج سوف تجد الأدلة التي تحويه ..
4) دليل Google للمواقع .. اكتشف المزيد و المزيد من المواقع
5) يحدد درجة حرارة المنطقة التي تكون فيه( إن كانت طبعاَ ضمن المناطق المدرجة فيه )
6) جوجل إيرث ( برنامج القمر الاصطناعي الشهير ) كلنا عارفينه طبعا
8) فروجل .. باحث المستندات والتقاريرالعالمي
9)البحث عن الصور
10)خرائط جوجل
11) الأخبار من جوجل
12) براءات الإختراع
13)البحث عن اى مرجع علمى وكتابته بطريقه صحيحه مفيد جدا فى رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه
14)شريط أدوات جوجل
15) للبحث عن شفرات البرامج ( للمتخصصين و المبرمجين )
16) مختبرات جوجل للعلوم العامة
17) احصل على مدونتك من جوجل
18) التقويم الخاص بك من جوجل
19) مشاركة الوثائق والجداول مع زملائك
20)البريد الالكتروني من جوجل(جى ميل)…com
21) مجموعات جوجل .. كوّن واحدة .. أو اشترك في أحدها
22) محرر الصور
23) برنامج رسومات ثلاثية الأبعاد
25) ترجمة جوجل ( مواقع ، نصوص ، .. )
26) أسأل … وخلى جوجل يجيب … للسؤال في اي موضوع والرد يجيك من المتخصص في الموضوع
27) قاموس جوجل للبحث في القواميس
28) مجموعة رائعة من آخر برامج جوجل
29) Google Web Accelerator لتسريع الاتصال بالإنترنت
30) قاعدة بيانات جوجل .. عندك لو عندك جاده جديده عاوز تضيفها فى بحث جوجل
31) الموقع ده بيعرض أكثر الدول بحثاً عن الكلمة التي تريد ..و أيضاً مقدار البحث في بيان زمني يعني ممكن تقول احصائيات
Giga Alert – Professional Web Alerts
Thanks Google

Body Part & Baby Animal Carts pdf

Body Part Carts

Baby Animal - Level One

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New Headway - Elementary

New Headway - Elementary 

New Headway is the second edition of Headway, one of the world's most successful English courses for adult and young adult learners of English at the beginning and intermediate levels. 
New Headway incorporates suggestions from students and teachers using the first edition from around the world.
It offers more comprehensive grammar presentation and practice, more opportunities to develop listening skills and build fluency, as well as fresh new content in every unit.

Hello everybody
Meeting people
The world of the work
Take it easy
Where do you live
Can toy speak English?
How long ago?
Food you like
Bigger and better
Looking good
Life;s an adventure
How terribly clever?
How you ever?
Then and now

And more....

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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Idioms are Fun and Book pdf

Idioms are Fun
Animals Idioms, Birds Idioms, Colour Idioms, Flower Idioms, Food Idioms, Number Idioms, Plant Idioms, Water Idioms ....
Idioms with their meanings, usage and origins.
How to use idioms in your daily life?

Discover them all! Get their meaning, learn about their origins... use them, work them into your spoken and written language...

A leopard cannot change his spots

We cannot change the nature of things.

Mr. Wilson could not yell at Fred for stealing his mangoes because he is a very gentle and forgiving person. This instance portrays that Mr. Wilson was like a leopard who cannot change his spots.

Have you seen the spots on a leopard?
The saying originates from the 'Holy Bible.1 In the book of Jeremiah in the Holy Bible there is a verse which says 'Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard change his spots?' which means that the basic nature of things does not change, even with changed circumstances?

Hold your horses

Slow down, be patient.

When I am impatiently eating the ice cream, Grandpa tells me to hold my horses.

Horse carts were used for travel in 19th Century America. When you wanted the cart driver to slow down, you had to tell him to rein in his steeds, in other words, "Hold your horses." Soon this expression came to be applied to life too, and if you want anybody to slow down or be a little patient all you need to say is "Hey!Hold your horses!"

Smell a rat

To be suspicious or get a feeling that something is wrong.

On observing the thief's actions, the policeman smelt a rat and realised that the thief was lying and up to something foul.

This saying was used as early as the 16th Century. Man has always considered rats as dirty, smelly creatures. Even a cat, which suspects that a hole is occupied, will smell to see if it houses a rat. Soon this practice of the cat caught on to imply that if you sniff out something bad, you could "smell a rat"!

More Idioms:
Make a mountain out of a molehill.
donkey business.
Raining cats and dogs.

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Please find pdf here:

Monday, December 2, 2019

AmCham Egypt’s 18th Employment Fair

AmCham Egypt’s
18th Employment Fair

AmCham Egypt 18th Employment Fair 29th-30th Nov 2019 
apply for 1000+ vacancies in the biggest companies in Egypt.

AmCham Egypt 18th Employment Fair 2019 Booklet Is HERE!

Download NOW & apply for 1000+ vacancies from the biggest companies in Egypt.
American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt.

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Friday, November 29, 2019

Free Translation Sites - مواقع ترجمة مجانية

مواقع للترجمة في العالم وكلها مجانية 👌🌸
عند ترجمة جمل طويلة على جوجل ، الترجمة تكون ترجمة حرفية ٫ يعني يترجم كلمة كلمة !! 
علشان كدة مجموعة من مواقع الترجمة تغنيك عن استخدام موقع جوجل للترجمة... 😍
📍 هذه المواقع ليس بها ترجمة حرفية :🌹🌹
📍 وهذه مواقع تصحح spelling, Grammar واذا عندك paragraph وتريد معرفة مدي صحة كتابتك :
📍 وهذه مواقع تبحث فيها عن معاني الكلمات والمصطلحات و عن الكلمات التي لها نفس المعني ‚ وفيهم Proverbs, ldioms :
📍 وهذه أفضل مواقع للترجمة عالمياً جربهم واختار افضلهم لك واعتمد عليه في دراستك أو شغلك :
📍 موقع يمكنك من ترجمة مستند كامل أو مقالة عليه :
📍 موقع لترجمة الأبحاث والملفات :
📍موقع لترجمة الجمل :
📍 وهذه مواقع لتصحيح الكتابة :

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Picture by: google

Kids Picture Dictionary with Action Words

Kids Picture Dictionary
- Vocabulary of:
Dressing room
And more...

Book link:


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Monday, November 25, 2019

English Essays for Students

English Essays for Students 

Examples of Essays
By: Robin Thanu
1. My Mama (Mother)
2. My father
3. My Brother
4. My Lovely Sister
5. My Grand Mother
6. My Favourite Teacher
7. My Family
8. My Best Friend
9. My Village
10. My School
11. My garden
12. My Hobby - Drawing
13. My Hobby- Reading
14. My Neighbour
15. My Pet - Cat
16. My Pet - Rabbit
17. My favourite Fruit
18. The first gift I received
19. Save Trees
20. The Sun
And more...etc.

Pdf link:

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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Vocabulary to Talk about Love and Relationships

Vocabulary to Talk about Love and Relationships

#How to say I love you
#How to say I miss you


• To date someone. / to go on a date with someone.
• To chat (somebody) up to talk to somebody in the hope of starting a romantic or sexual relationship • To flirt (with somebody) to behave playfully towards another person who you are - or pretend to be - attracted to romantically or sexually. A flirt is a person who likes to flirt.
• To fall for somebody to fall in love with somebody.
• It was love at first sight two people fell in love with each other as soon as they met.
• I can hear wedding bells I suspect that they are going to get married soon.
• We are seeing each other.
• To enjoy each other’s company.
• To see eye-to-eye on most things so we rarely.
• To fall head over heels in love: to start to love someone a lot.
• To get on well with: to understand someone and enjoy similar interests.
• To get to know: to begin to know someone.
• To go back years: to have known someone for a long time.
• To have a lot in common: to share similar interests.
• A healthy relationship: a good, positive relationship.
• To hit it off: to quickly become good friends with.
• To settle down: to give up the single life and start a family.
• To work at a relationship: to try to maintain a positive relationship with someone.
• To be in a relationship: to be romantically involved with someone.
• To be just good friends: to not be romantically involved.
• To keep in touch with: to keep in contact with.


• They are having a domestic (informal) they are having an argument.
• He/she is having an affair.
• To break up with somebody to finish a relationship with somebody.
• To split up to break up.
• To dump somebody to finish a relationship with somebody without much thought for the other person.
• To cheat on someone: when you are unfaithful.

• To drift apart: to become less close to someone.
• To fall out with: to have a disagreement and stop being friends.
• To lose touch with: to not see or hear from someone any longer.
• Sometimes it takes people a long time to get over a break-up. They feel sad that the relationship is over, and it will take them awhile to feel better about it.
• You can refer to the person as your ex-girlfriend, or your ex-boyfriend, or just your ex.
• Sadly, not all marriages last forever, either. Sometimes couples will separate. They don’t want to live together anymore, but they don’t want to get divorced yet.
• Be married to one’s work.


• A blind date a meeting (arranged by a third party) with a person you might be interested in romantically but who you have never met before.
• To have ups and downs: to have good and bad times.
• The verb phrase to get married (to someone) is used to refer to the actual day of the wedding or the act of getting married. After the wedding , you can use be married (to someone).
• A speed dating event.
• A dating agency.


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British Council
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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Question Words for Kids & Absolute Beginners - Explanation with pdf

Question Words

Asking what or which person or people.

Who (verb)...
Who will/would...
Who can...
Who is/was...
Who has/had...

Examples: Who opened the door?

Who will call the store? Who has my socks?


Asking for information about something.

What is/are...
What do/does...
What will/would...
What can/could...
What (noun)...

Examples: What cartoon is your favorite?
What is your name? What does ‘solo’ mean?


Asking in or at what place or position.

Where is/are...
Where do/does/did...
Where will/would...
Where can/could...
Where might...

Examples: Where will we vacation?

Where do they live? Where are your glasses?


Asking about time.
When is/are...
When do/does...
When will/would...
When can/could...
When should...

Examples: When can we get ice cream? When
did he leave? When will the party start?


Asking for a reason. Asking what... for.

Why is/are/isn’t...
Why do/does/did/didn’t...
Why will/would/won’t...
Why can/could/can’t...

Why must...

Examples: Why did he leave early? Why can’t
we get soda? Why are we driving there?


Asking about manner. Asking about

How is/are/was...
How do/does/did...
How will/would...
How can/could/should...

Examples: How does this work?

How was your test? How should you act?

Find pdf in the link below:


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Grammar - Question Words

Question Words

Which and what - the difference
Which and what are often both possible, with little difference of meaning.
Which/What is the hottest city in the gulf?
Which/What train did you come on?
Which/What people have influenced you most in your last vacation?

Which is preferred when the speaker has a limited number of choices in mind.
We've got white or brown shirt. Which will you have?
(More natural than... What will you have?)
Which size do you want- small, medium or large?
When the speaker is not thinking of a limited number of choices, what is used.
What language do people speak in Greenland?
(More natural than Which language...)
What's your father phone number? (NOT Which is your phone number?)

Without nouns: who, which and what
When these words are used as pronouns, without nouns immediately after them, we generally use who, not which, for people.
Who won - Smith or Khaled? (NOT -Which won-...?)
Who are you going out with - Nadia or Mary?

However, which can be used in questions about people's identity, and what can be used to ask about people's jobs and functions.
'Which is your husband?' 'The one in jeans.'
'So Janet's the Managing Director. What's Peter?' 'He is the Company Secretary.'

And which is sometimes used instead of who in questions about classes of people.
Which is more valuable to society - a politician or a nurse?

Which and what can both be used to ask about things (for the difference, see above).
Which do you prefer - electric cookers or gas?
What have you got in your pockets?

With a noun or alone
The question word whose can be used with a noun as a determiner like my, your etc.
Whose car is that outside?
Whose drawing do you think looks the nicest?
Whose can also be used alone, like mine, yours etc.
Whose is that bicycle outside?
'Whose is this?' 'Mine.'

Prepositions can normally come either before whose (more formal) or at the end of the clause (less formal).
For whose benefit were all these changes made?
Whose side are you on?
In short questions with no verb, prepositions can only come before whose.
I'm going to buy a flat.' 'With whose money?' (NOT 'Whose money with?')

Whose and who's
Whose is a possessive word meaning 'of whom/which', used in questions
and relative clauses. Who's is the contraction of who is or who has. Compare:
- Whose is that coat?
It was a decision whose importance was not realized at the time.
(NOT ... who's importance-...)
- Do you know anybody who's going to Egypt in the next week?
(NOT ... anybody whose going...)
I've got a cousin who's never been to London.
(NOT .. .-whose never been...)

Why and why not
We generally use Why not?, not Why?, in short replies to negative statements.
'They've decided to move to Devon.' 'Why?'
'I can't manage tomorrow evening.' 'Why not?' (More natural than Why?)
Why not? can also be used to agree to a suggestion.
'Let's hang out this evening.' 'Yes, why not?'